The MSF South Asia Health and Humanity Summit 2023 set the agenda for a paradigm shift in health and humanitarian considerations during emergencies in South and Southeast Asia. Over 15 practitioners, thought leaders, artists, and over 300 attendees from the social impact space convened to engage in discussions at the inaugural Summit. The themes of the discussions were ‘People Forced from Home’, ‘Equitable Access to Healthcare’, ‘Global Health Security’, and ‘Mis/Disinformation in Emergencies’. Through collaborative efforts, the Summit shed light on contemporary challenges and potential solutions at the heart of these critical issues. The Summit included MSF’s Humanity Heals exhibition, an interactive photography, artwork and installation display featuring compelling stories of vulnerable populations.



08:45 – 09:15


09:15 – 09:30

Exhibition Opening 

09:30 – 09:40

Opening Remarks
Health and Humanitarian Challenges

Dr Farhat Mantoo, Executive Director, MSF South Asia

09:40 – 10:40

Keynote Address
Inequality is bad for your health 

P. Sainath, Author, Veteran Journalist

10:40 – 11:40

Session 1  
Forced from Home: Humanitarian Considerations for Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Migrants

Roshni Shanker, Executive Director, Migration & Asylum Project

Rezaul Karim, Programme Head, Humanitarian Crisis Management Programme, BRAC

Jolene Anthony Dass, Humanitarian Affairs Manager, MSF Malaysia

Dr Parivelan K.M., Associate Professor, Center of Statelessness and Refugee Studies, School of Law, Rights and Constitutional Governance, TISS

Moderator: Vidya Krishnan, Journalist, Former Health-Editor, The Hindu

11:40 – 12:00


12:00 – 13:00

Session 2  
How COVID has shaped Justice and Equity for Access to Treatment

K.M. Gopakumar, Senior Researcher and Legal Advisor at Third World Network

Dr Brinelle D’Souza, National Programme Director, TISS

Giten Khwairakpam, Community and Policy Program Manager, TREAT Asia programme, amfAR

Moderator: Leena Menghaney, Regional Head, MSF Access Campaign

13:00 – 14:00


14:00 – 14:10


14:10 – 15:10

Session 3 
Bracing for Impact: Health and Humanitarian Responses in the Context of "security threats"

Elizabeth Willetts, Planetary Health Policy Director, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Benjamin Mason Meier, Professor of Global Health Policy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Senior Scholar, O’Neill Institute for National & Global Health Law

Nishant Sirohi, Health & Human Rights Fellow at the Geneva Health Files

Moderator: Dr Maria Guevara, International Medical Secretary, MSF

15:10 – 15:30


15:30 – 16:30

Session 4  
Past is prologue: Building Community Resilience to Combat Mis/Disinformation in Emergencies

Tina Purnat, Health Information and Infodemic Manager, WHO

Osama Manzar, Executive Director, Digital Empowerment Foundation

Shalini Joshi, Director, Meedan & Co-founder Khabar Lahariya

Moderator: Divya Pushkarna, Disinformation Advisor, MSF 

16:30 – 16:40

Closing Remarks 

Ambassador Vijay Nambiar, Retired Indian Diplomat who served as Chief de Cabinet under UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 2007-2012